Monday, November 16, 2009

What's up Blog?

Been a little lazy in posting recently. I blame the weather.


There was a wind storm last night, the likes of which I'd never seen.


I've been reading this:

Been listening to this:

Just bought this on Etsy:

Large Pleather Satchel in Brown

Dreaming about going here: (Montenegro)

Been feeling like this, since getting a couple of stitches in my finger last week:

That's all folks.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Saturn Press

While perusing through my favorite bookstore in Seattle, Magus Books, recently I discovered a little rack of the most darling cards I'd ever seen. I snapped up two and ran home to discover more.
As it turns out they are made by a company called Saturn Press, located on the remote Swan's Island, Maine. They have no email address nor website. It is sheer and utter perfection that such a sweet letter press would be in a world of its own making.

They reproduce cards and paper ephemera from the 1870s to the 1930s on recycled paper. They are each made individually on hand set presses from the early 1900s.

To get in touch with them write to:

P.O. Box 368
Swan's Island, ME 04685