Friday, June 22, 2012

Doe Bay Part One

Here is a little peek of my garden. 

And part of the dreamlets of the garden.

And the view from the boathouse at Doe Bay.

I've been housesitting a bit as well just down the road. It is very much my dream cabin.

The bathtub is good for soaking and dreaming.

We had a little shindig with stellar authentic Mexican food. It is nice to have friends who are professional cooks.

I'm going to try harder to take more pictures, but life here is pretty hectic. I feel as though there aren't enough hours in the day (even though yesterday was the longest day of the year!). More soon. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Doe Bay! It was so so fun to meet you, let's do it again soon and with more hang out time. Canoes, hikes, thrifting and whatnot there's so much we can do. Next time stay for dinner. Charlie and I are sleeping in a tent in the front yard and it's pretty darn cool so I guess we do have a guest room after all ;) Friday the 13th (I always have the best of luck on those) Polecat! Come!
