I've been a pitiful blogger recently, but I will now try to redeem myself. I have been embroiled in the struggle to find a 'real' job, learning to drive (finally!), studying for the GRE and waiting tables. None of which were particularly fun or pretty to blog about. But, soon (fingers crossed!) I can put all that behind me and start a new chapter in my life. So here are some fotos of my summer so far.

My garden.. before the heat

Baking successes: Strawberry shortcake and blueberry (patriotic!) pie

Dead Horse Bay, Brooklyn with my darling friend Hannah. The most amazing, secret spot in the city. You take a subway line to the last stop, then a long bus ride and get off right before the bridge over to Rockaway Beach. Then walk down an unmarked path and tah dah!

Nearby there is a 100 year old dump with a broken cap, so that every time the tide comes in it bring more treasures on to the beach. As the water laps on the shore, it makes a musical tinkling sound as all the little pieces of glass hit one another.

I found many beautiful little glass bottles and Hannah found an entirely intact growler. What a magical spot.. as Miss Apple a Day certainly knows.

So it hasn't been all bad. A free Sonic Youth concert, Rosemary's Baby in Bryant Park, drinking on rooftops, flea market shopping, boardwalk walking and lots of yummy food! Next on the agenda, a Seattle trip to see the loves of my life. Will include: beers at Brouwers, eating Pasceo's at Golden Gardens, espresso and croissants at Honore, and pho at Than Brothers. Also, dinner parties, camping in the Islands, and spending time with my tribe.
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