Thursday, October 15, 2009

To Do

1. Finish this monster of a book. Its like carrying around several bricks in my purse. But oh so good... Harry Potter for the older, intellectual crowd.

2. Start knitting some gloves for the impending winter. I bought this beautiful black 50's swing coat, but it has princess sleeves (pictures to come soon), so I need to cover up my chilly forearms. I want something along these lines, except a little longer.

Fall Leaves Wristies

3. Start baking at home again. Working at a bakery and being around bread all day, you would think I don't want to even utter that horrid word when I get home. But there is something so comforting and pleasant in baking a loaf on a lazy Sunday. This Sunday, I'm hoping to make some honey whole wheat.


  1. very nice fall goals indeed! I need to add some crochet projects to my Fall list too :)

  2. isn't there is something really cozy about working with wool on a cold day? but then, if you are anything like me, it takes all winter to finish anything and by the time you can wear it, its already getting warm. grr.

  3. To add to your to do list:
    Watch, Vagabond (American Title)
