Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Of Recent

I have been doing a bit of this and that. Mostly I am supremely excited to announce my summer plans. Two words, folks: Doe Bay. I will be WWOOFing there for most of the summer, through Doe Bay Fest. And then off to one of my best friend's wedding in Montana. And after that maybe a little time in Alaska? We shall see. But first I have to buy a car and save some money. All of which is stressing me out.

Last week, I went with a friend to see the Mariinsky Ballet perform selections from Michel Fokine's Les Saisons Russes, which included the Firebird. From our seats high in the nosebleed section, the faded 60's elegance of the Kennedy Center shone. And the saturated colors and wild choreography of Fokine were mesmerizing. Russian ballerinas have the best technique I have ever seen. It was quite a treat.

I've been listening to this love story about Carl Sagan romancing his wife while making an Earth guide for aliens in 1977. I like the idea of literally sending your love out into the cosmos.

Musicians who should write novels. A thought I have quite often. Especially about Colin Meloy of the Decemberists. Maybe he should even make a movie. I mean listen to this plot:

Also I've been gobbling up the latest Feist album. "All I want is a horizon line. Get some clarity, following the signs."

I am gearing up KCDC's March session. I will be teaching a class on knitting for beginners with my mother. As well as guerilla gardening class where we will be making seed bombs and moss graffiti.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Today I can't stop watching this. It's mesmerizing.

I'm reading Slate articles on Portlandia and on living in an artist colony. As well as this McSweeny's short, Ernest Hemingway, Yelper.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tabula Rasa

(source unknown)

2011 wasn't an easy year for me. There were a lot of false starts, false hopes, and plain old falsities. It is now the time to fold those experiences away and tuck them under the bed. Today I am intoxicated with the infinite possibilities of the year spread before me. I'm a lucky girl, blessed with things like an able body, education, (some) resources, an absence of debt or serious responsibility, and freedom to travel (almost) anywhere in the world with an American passport. All of which I plan on taking full advantage of this year.

Here are some of my ideas for 2012:

1. Be better to my body. I have never needed rock hard abs, but just a little more appreciation and care to the magical machine that keeps me on this planet.

(via moonsiren)

2. Stop waiting for my life to start. Stop fantasizing about working on a farm and just do it. Stop dreaming about seeing all the great art museums of Europe and buy a ticket.

3. Write more. And photograph. And film. And make music. Sing. Dance. Dye fabric. Sew. Paint. Get crafty. More creative output!

(source unknown)

4. Open my heart with more ease and more often. Love with less judgement and more empathy.